Recovering data from a broken MacOS Docker installation

This guide explains how to recover data from Docker, even if the underlying installation is corrupt.

The guide is written for MacOS specifically, although many of the steps are applicable to *nix.

How is data stored in Docker for Mac?

Docker for Mac starts a HyperKit daemon which runs a LinuxKit VM. LinuxKit is an extremely light-weight Linux distro. The HyperKit VM runs containerd, which is actually responsible for creating Docker containers.

The HyperKit VM’s data is stored on disk in qcow2 format. Depending on how you installed Docker for Mac, this disk image is located at $HOME/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2.

The HyperKit VM image contains all of your container data, including images and volumes. Recovering data from Docker for Mac is a matter of extracting data from the qcow2 image.

Exploring the HyperKit VM filesystem

Docker for Mac creates a tty in the VM directory. Usually this file is located at $HOME/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty. This file is the tty for the HyperKit VM. To get a shell in the HyperKit VM, run

screen $HOME/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty

Once inside the HyperKit VM, you can explore the data stored. The volumes are stored in /var/lib/docker/volumes, and the volume contents are present as ordinary files and directories.

The location and format of the images depends on the storage driver - see this link for more information.

Data recovery if the Docker daemon still starts

If the qcow2 image is uncorrupted and the HyperKit daemon still starts, recovering data is somewhat straightforward. It will still be possible to issue Docker commands and back up the data using Docker’s own tooling.

The basic idea is:

  1. Identify a volume to back up
  2. Start a new container that mounts the volume
  3. Copy the volume to the host filesystem using docker cp

1 Identify the volume you want to backup

We need to find the volume name of the volume we want to back up.

Run this command to list all of the available volumes:

docker volume ls

The output looks like this:

local               f52cf7a10fbd02d3e932f37074f92e3949f5a186581023b233691cde09e87352
local               f99f37c656d20b253785c1615a063ee8c5ca6ee7c39d53f897bb184ec4dfc745
local               some-volume-name

You can get a bit more information about the volume by running

docker volume inspect some-volume-name

The output looks like this:

    "CreatedAt": "2018-04-29T20:41:25Z",
    "Driver": "local",
    "Labels": {
      "com.docker.compose.project": "some-project-name",
      "com.docker.compose.volume": "volume-name"
    "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/some-project-name_volume-name/_data",
    "Name": "some-project-name_volume-name",
    "Options": null,
    "Scope": "local"

the labels field may not be present, depending on how you created the volume.

The CreatedAt and Mountpoint fields may be helpful. Mountpoint is the mount point of the volume within the HyperKit VM. You can explore the data using the tty above.

Once you’ve identified the volume you want to back up, take note of the volume name. You’ll be using this volume name in later commands.

2 Start a new container that mounts the volume

In order to use docker cp, a simple way to copy data from a container to the host, we first need to start a container that contains the volume data. We don’t really care what this container does, as long as it mounts the correct volume and stays running while we copy the data to the host.

Run the following command, substituting $your_volume_name with the volume from the previous step:

docker run `# docker run starts a new container with the specified image and command` \
  -d `# Run the container in the background` \
  --rm `# Remove the container when it exits` \
  --mount source=$your_volume_name,target=/volume `# Mount your chosen volume at the` \
                                                  `# /volume path on the containers filesystem` \
  busybox `# Use the busybox image, an extremely minimal Linux` \
  tail -f /dev/null `# A command that runs indefinitely without exiting`

For convenience, here’s the command without comments or newlines:

docker run -d --rm --mount source=$your_volume_name,target=/volume busybox tail -f /dev/null

This command will print the id of the container, which we will use in the next step. You can also run the following command to find the human-readable name of the container you just created:

docker ps

Take note of the container id or the container name for use in the next step. Within this container, the volume data is mounted at /volume.

3 Copy the data onto the host filesystem

Now that we have a container running with our volume mounted, we can copy the data out using docker cp.

Run the following command, replacing $your_container_name with the name or id from the previous step:

docker cp \
  $your_container_name:/volume `# Copies the /volume directory (recursively) from the container` \
  ./volume-on-host `# Copies the volume into the ./volume-on-host directory on the host` \

For convenience, here’s the command without comments or newlines:

docker cp $your_container_name:/volume ./volume-on-host


After running this command, the data in the volume will be present in the ./volume-on-host directory in the current directory. You can stop the running container with

docker kill $your_container_name

Data recovery if the Docker daemon will not start

Data recovery is much more difficult if the Docker daemon isn’t starting up correctly. In some cases, the HyperKit VM will start, but it will not be able to load the qcow2 image containing the container data.

The basic idea here is:

  1. Install dependencies (there are several)
  2. Convert the qcow2 image to a FUSE filesystem image
  3. Mount the FUSE filesystem
  4. Copy the data out of the FUSE filesystem onto the host

We’ll be using qcow2-fuse to convert the Docker.qcow2 to a FUSE filesystem and ext4fuse to mount the FUSE filesystem on MacOS. We’ll also need osxfuse which is a dependency of the other tools.

0 Installing dependencies

Homebrew is required to complete the following steps.


First, we’ll need osxfuse. You can download the latest installer from their downloads page, or run the following command:

brew cask install osxfuse

osxfuse is a generic library for working with FUSE filesystems on MacOS.


Next, we’ll install ext4fuse:

brew install ext4fuse

ext4fuse is a tool for mounting FUSE filesystems on MacOS.


Finally, we’ll install qcow2-fuse. qcow2-fuse requires pkg-config – if you don’t already have it installed, run

brew install pkg-config

qcow2-fuse is a tool for converting qcow2 images into FUSE filesystems.

Setting up the correct Rust version

qcow2-fuse is built with Rust. We’ll also need a Rust specific version: 1.11.0. To install Rust, we’ll be using rustup, a Rust version manager. To install rustup, run the following command:

curl -sSf | sh

Once rustup is installed, we can set the Rust version (rustup will download the necessary binaries):

rustup default 1.11.0

Make sure the correct Rust version is installed by running

rustc --version
Building qcow2-fuse

We’re now ready to install qcow2-fuse. Unfortunately, the published cargo package will no longer build, so we’ll be building qcow2-fuse from source. First, choose a directory somewhere to clone the qcow2-fuse repository. It’s not especially important to keep this directory around, so a temp directory is fine. Then, clone the qcow2-fuse repository and cd into it:

git clone
cd qcow2-fuse

Now we can build qcow2-fuse by running the following command from the qcow2-fuse repo root:

# Ensure you're in the root of the qcow2-fuse repo
# cd qcow2-fuse

cargo install

cargo will place the qcow2-fuse binaries in $HOME/.cargo/bin by default, and this should be on your $PATH. If not, add $HOME/.cargo/bin to your $PATH, or copy the binary to some known location.

Verify that qcow2-fuse was built correctly by running

qcow2-fuse --version

1 Convert the qcow2 image to a FUSE filesystem image

Before we can mount the Docker VM image, we need to convert it into a format we are able to mount.

Copy your Docker.qcow2 somewhere. You’ll be creating a FUSE filesystem image in the same directory.

The following command converts the qcow2 image to a FUSE filesystem image located in the mnt directory relative to the current directory:

qcow2-fuse -o allow_other -o rdonly Docker.qcow2 mnt

The -o allow_other -o rdonly flags specify that any user account should be able to access the FUSE image, and that the FUSE filesystem should be read-only.

After running the command, a mnt directory containing the FUSE image (a file called Docker) should be present in the current directory.

2 Mount the FUSE filesystem image

We’re now ready mount the FUSE image as a volume.

The first step is to attach the FUSE image as a device. The following command (which assumes there’s a FUSE image called Docker in the mnt directory) will attach the FUSE image as a device:

hdiutil attach -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount mnt/Docker

MacOS doesn’t know how to mount FUSE images, so the -nomount flag is required. The output of the command will look something like this:

/dev/disk4              FDisk_partition_scheme
/dev/disk4s1            Linux_Swap
/dev/disk4s2            Linux

We’re interested in the line that looks like this:

/dev/disk4s2            Linux

which is path to the EXT4 partition of the FUSE image.

We’re now ready to mount the FUSE filesystem. Run the following command, replacing /dev/disk4s2 with correct EXT4 device for your system:

sudo ext4fuse /dev/disk4s2 volume

This command mounts the EXT4 partition at the path volume relative to the current directory. After running this command, the Docker.qcow2 filesystem is mounted and accessible as a normal filesystem at the volume path.

3 Copy the data out of the FUSE filesystem onto the host

We’re finally ready to copy the data out of the Docker VM image.

We can use ordinary *nix tools to work with this filesystem. We will need to run these commands as sudo.

# List the files at the root of the FUSE filesystem
sudo ls -al volume

# Copy all of the volumes on the FUSE filesystem into the current directory
sudo cp -R volume/lib/docker/volumes ./docker_volumes

Depending on your Docker/HyperKit version, the contents of your FUSE filesystem may differ. You should explore the filesystem to figure out exactly where your volume data resides.

The ext4fuse is pretty unreliable, and during the course of interacting with the FUSE filesystem, you may see errors like this:

sudo ls volume/lib
ls: volume/lib: Device not configured

To resolve this issue, simply unmount and then remount the EXT4 volume (where volume is the path to the EXT4 volume you mounted in the previous step):

$ sudo diskutil unmount volume
Unmount successful for volume

sudo ext4fuse /dev/disk4s2 volume

Wrapping up

With the volume data copied to your host filesystem, you can restore the volume at your leisure. Using these methods, you can backup and recover your Docker data whether or not the HyperKit VM is actually able to start.

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